Wednesday, January 18, 2006


you approach wil wheaton slowly because you're not really sure what to say to him.
i mean, sure, you used to watch "stng" when you were a little kid and you've seen most of the movies but honestly you always thought wesley crusher was kind of annoying, and even though you're sure that's no reflection on wil wheaton as a person because he seems nice and all, you can't think of anything else that you've seen with him in it.
i guess there's "stand by me" but who wants to be complimented on something they did twenty years ago.
you think he does improv stuff now but it's not like you've seen any of it... and then you notice something.
"wil wheaton!" you exclaim, "you're wearing the same ring with the same emblem on it that i've been wearing my whole life and which i was supposed to look for because i was told that my long lost brother would be wearing this ring and this means that you're my long lost brother!"
it's a very touching moment.
or it would be if it hadn't taken place in a seedy and possibly hepatitis ridden bar.
in any case, you've found your long lost brother wil wheaton.

which is nothing if not a happy ending.